
employer little focus on business

Two other themes would be subject to significant changes. The related businesses and production should now address "value added". Finally, the theme originally titled "Social choice and individual choice" would become "training and employment. It would be enriched with a new issue of study: "the salary is the enemy of employment". What power finally tackle unemployment. On the other hand, it reflects on evaluation of students in these matters not provided for at the moment. A given that added added to a low hourly, is a subject of concern about the investment of students.

Polemic on hard programs over the years, the employer circles regretting manuals little focus on business. Hence, with the reform of the lycée, split into two lessons, one of SES and another focused on economics and management (PFEG). The new version of SES, which gives a link between reasoning tools and economic issues and likely to stop students, contemporary social responds, in part, to the criticisms made by the Association of teachers of social and economic sciences (Apses). They are also in the direction of French Economic Sciences (Afse), argues for a rebalancing between approaches microeconomic and macroeconomic Association remarks in the teaching of the economy. On March 12, Ministry continues its consultations through the academies. It is only after it can officially unveil its new programs.

